The Beginning Exercises and Preparation For Losing 50 Pounds

The very tedious and frustrating weight loss decision was never an easy task to do, for anybody. Losing weight doesn’t come as an instant gratification and it certainly doesn’t come over night. But, the first step is always the hardest, and those pounds won’t burn themselves.

Would you believe it if you understand that losing 50 pounds in just 4 months is possible? A healthy diet and proper exercise is the key, obviously. Just follow these steps and you are on your way to look good and achieve those wanted weight results.

It’s absolutely important to dedicate your time and body and mind into it. Persistence and resilience is key, and maintaining the proper diet is also a highly recommended step you should have in your daily schedule.


One should always be careful what they eat. As they say, you are what you eat. The first step in this programme is healthy eating. Whole grains and other healthy items are key. Avoiding processed food, carbs, sugars are the important part and eating fruits, veggies, proper protein, healthy fats, and whole grains is the other.

Overeating is a big NO, even if it’s all healthy. Moderation is the proper way to do it and getting used to the capacity of food eaten is probably the most important factor in losing weight. After all, it’s a part of a healthy nutrition which pumps your body full of goodness.

One of the best recipes is a teaspoon of olive oil, chia and flax seeds, avocados and other vegetables and fruits are a big reason to keep your body wanting exercise. Salad smoothies are also an option and nuts and cashews are here to satisfy any midnight snacks.

Of course, one should keep clear of carbonated fizzy drinks and alcohol. Coffee and cigarettes are also a bad thing. These things are all undermining your success and hinders your performance.

The Exercise

The Beginning Exercises Step 1

The main focus should be burning 500 calories every training session throughout the day. Try to download some apps where you will keep track of your schedule, time, and the calories that you lose. This is very important and will put you in the right track.

The Beginning Exercises Step 2

Cardio is the cornerstone of every effective exercise! Focus your mind and body to burn the calories through cardio and always try to increase the duration and intensity of your exercise. Walking half an hour or running every day is very important and crucial for the integrity of your training.

The frequency should improve gradually and after a few months you should change your routine. Swimming and cycling is a very important element too, and it’s more fun than running or walking, so it gets better and more fun.

The Beginning Exercises Step 3

And one of the overlooked elements of this programme is that one should be always mindful not to sit too much at home. Sedentary lifestyle is killing us slowly, so stay away from the computer or TV and always try to do something else, other than sitting.


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