Detailed Guide To Exercise During Pregnancy!

Pregnant women can exercise throughout pregnancy if their child’s health condition is satisfactory. However, it is recommended to wait for the completion of the first trimester and see how pregnancy progresses and then decide on physical activity.

During pregnancy forms of sports activities are actually different ways of exercising. There is a big difference in pregnant women who are recreationally engaged in sports or professional activities. Pregnant women can exercise throughout pregnancy if their child’s health condition is satisfactory.

Sporting activities that are not professionally oriented, without hard training or competition, the pregnant woman can prevent problems in the motion system (locomotors system). By regular exercise (at least 2 times a week for 45 minutes), the body will adjust to the daily increase in body weight, changes in body movements, postural relationships, changes in body equilibrium. Pregnancy should not be a reason to start with some sport that a woman did not experience or did not deal with before she was pregnant. They should choose the sports they are accustomed, who they know and who they have experience. All this should be agreed with a gynecologist who controls pregnancy and adapted to changes in weeks or trimesters of pregnancy.

You do not have to be afraid of physical activity.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the pregnant woman can continue with the exercise programs she was involved in, but only with the permission of the gynecologist. As pregnancy is a physiological condition, you should not be afraid of physical activity, but it is recommended to wait for the end of the first trimester and see how pregnancy progresses. If everything is right, there is no reason to continue with physical activity with regular controls. The intensity and type of exercises, or the continuation of sports activities, should be consulted with experts (gynecologist and physiotherapist), but it does not change significantly from the previous ones.

During the second trimester, the exercise program can be conducted for a maximum of 45 minutes. It includes body-based activities with a special overview of stretching and strengthening exercises of certain parts of the body, and for improving or maintaining fitness, regardless of the sport being used. In the third quarter, the duration of sports activities and exercises should not last longer than 30 minutes with breathing and relaxation exercises. The most widely used is the side, four-legged or position sitting on the ball, swimming and relaxing. If a pregnant woman has been implementing some elements of a more demanding exercise program for a long time, then the intensity is reduced by 50%, and more movement through swimming or walking is advised. Especially are good exercises of the “cats” in a four-legged position that will activate the entire body and reduce possible tension and muscle pain. Exercises of mobilizing the pelvis as preparation for delivery are also performed.

The rules you should keep in mind: Consult your gynecologist if you can practice in pregnancy. Put on the appropriate cotton clothes a bit tighter to make it easier to correct the bad posture or position in the exercise. Do not eat anything two hours before exercise. Take some fluid during exercise if you’re thirsty. Drain bladder before exercising. Do not practice more than 45 minutes. Which sport to choose? Sports, where there is a lot of pushing, jumping, unstable support and the ability to hit objects or bodies, are usually not recommended. It should be known that excessive programs, improper leadership, poor supervision of pregnant women and children can endanger pregnancy.

Pregnant women, who did not engage in recreational exercise programs, should wait for the end of the first trimester to start exercising. Then an assessment of functional muscle-bone status (with physiotherapist) should be performed and with the document from gynecologist it begins with exercise in the dosed program. Pregnancy for these pregnant women is certainly not a period in which they should necessarily start with some physical activity they have not been before.

For each pregnant woman, it is essential to have at least basic exercises that will ease movement, reduce frequent pain in the lower part of the spine, improve circulation in the legs and arms, and ensure good posture (body posture). Running: It can run throughout pregnancy if a pregnant woman has a condition or has been trained since before. Caution is required in high weeks of pregnancy due to possible falls. It is important to choose good sneakers that will secure the ankle joint. Dance: It is most desirable to dance twist because these moves well mobilize the pelvis and can reduce the pain in the lower back. Acrobatic dances and dances are avoided, which will quickly make body rotations and bumps where often the base of support is often lost. Bicycle Riding: If there is no binge on a gynecologist, riding a bicycle on a well-chosen tour can be useful. It is necessary to avoid a bicycle ride where the upper part of the body is bent forward for pain in the lower back, shoulders and neck. Cycling in pregnancy maintains good muscle tension, triggers the intestines, i.e. digestive system, and maintains body weight. Driving can last 20 to 30 minutes, three times a week, and the pulse should not be more than 140 beats per minute. For larger abdominal muscles the knee should be moved more than the body so that the upper thighs do not collide with the belly. When riding a bicycle, it is necessary to breathe moderately, and in the case of increased effort, be sure to exhale the air. In order to avoid undesired falls, pregnant women are recommended to ride a bicycle. Swimming: definitely the best choice for pregnancy. It is recommended to monitor water temperature as well as swim with the mattress. Pools should only be introduced if you are safe in the purity of water. It is good to use one-piece swimsuit that will keep the body warm. It is not recommended to jump on the head, and swimming on the back is a good choice provided that the direction of swimming is controlled.

Tennis: Can only play those pregnant women who play it for many years and have no injuries. It is not advisable to play it in the last trimester of pregnancy, falling, and fast motion with rotations from the waist that can cause injuries. You should be careful about running on the ground and possible falls on the stomach. Rowing: If a pregnant woman wants to get caught, it is important to have a proper body position and a moderate pace of rowing. This is a good exercise for the entire musculature of the body, but for those pregnant women who did this before the pregnancy. Certainly the proper breathing rate should be harmonized and when it is necessary to swing with the doves, the air should be exhaled. Gym: If a pregnant woman goes to the fitness center and gym prior to pregnancy, weight lifting can be included in further activities as agreed with the gynecologist. Strengthening the arms and shoulder muscles is important for the rest of pregnancy as well as postpartum for raising and holding the baby. It should not increase the burden during pregnancy. Appropriate training aids should be used to avoid choosing a bad body position and increasing back pain or stopping the breath, thereby increasing the pressure on the abdomen. If the pregnant woman has not used the pregnancy precautions, it is first necessary to check whether the condition of the pregnant woman and the child permits such recreation and sports. It is recommended to use a load of 1 to 1.5 kg in hands and gradually increase to a maximum of 2.5 kilograms. Skiing: For experienced skiers, it would not be a problem for pregnant women, but there is a high risk of falling in skiing. It is therefore not recommended except in exceptional cases with the permission of a gynecologist in early pregnancy. Cross-country skiing: an excellent choice for every woman and can be used by experienced recreational and professional as a form of recreation for as long as the pregnancy permits, with the approval of a gynecologist. Of course, it is important to know that falls are possible and therefore requires increased vigilance. Ball exercises: The ball made of special rubber material with a certificate of strength is suitable for exercises that are used during pregnancy because the body weight is properly distributed and reduces unnecessary workloads while exercising on “dry”. In preparation for the birth physiotherapists will show the possibilities of using the ball, instead of lying in the forehead and lair, as well as some pelvic and leg movements that are permitted in consultation with the obstetrician and the midwife.

It is important to control the pulse.

Sometimes it is difficult for pregnant women to evaluate the limits of their workload during exercise, leading to the risk of overloading the cardiovascular system. How Does It Affect Your Child? Scientists argue that a moderate strain on a pregnant woman responds normally to a child’s response. In order to meet the needs of the child during the exercise, the pulse volume (increase of up to 30%) and cardiac volume increase significantly, the heart improves the work. Heart rate changes are also common. The heart in pregnancy hypertrophy, and in the last trimester it moves up and down.

The resting pregnancy pulse is usually about 90 in minutes while the exercise time can be up to 140 times the upper limit is allowed. During exercise, the pregnant woman must control the pulse and monitor its increase and notify the health professional. In standing position, venous pressure increases in the lower extremities due to increased uterine pressure on the prone veins. Some pregnant women in the second half of pregnancy may feel dizzy and weak if they exercise in the back position. The cause of this is the pressure of the uterus on the lower hollow vein (vein cava inferior). Generally, warming, stretching exercises, exercises to strengthen certain muscle groups, and again stretching and relaxation exercises, are the basic components of pregnancy exercise that can be combined with sports.


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