
Showing posts from September, 2018

This Man Ate Garlic on an Empty Stomach Every Day! Here’s What Happened…

The medicinal properties of garlic have been known and used as part of natural medicine for thousands of years. For one thing, it’s a powerful antibiotic as well as antioxidant, which effectively fights infections and diseases. The best time to consume this vegetable is first thing in the morning because your stomach is empty and can fully absorb the nutrients in garlic. Garlic is a powerful antibiotic and antioxidant, but also protects your stomach from infections and diseases. You need to eat it before you have anything else to eat, so that there is nothing in the stomach which would mix and assimilate nutrients in garlic. The health benefits of garlic are numerous. For those who complain of high blood pressure, this is the easiest and safest way to keep blood pressure under control. Best of all, you take it once a day and there are no side effects, as is the case with various medications. Inflammation of any kind can be prevented and cured by garlic. Those who suffer from arthritis

In Just A Month After You Start Eating Two Bananas A Day, Medical Condition Should Significantly Help To Improve

Most people today no time for healthy eating, and prefer to resort to fast food than for healthy foods , while fruits and vegetables are very low ranking on the scale selection of food. Scientists can not understand why people are so food when there are so many more nutrients, primarily natural foods that can provide you with all the necessary materials, writing style.Have you ever heard of that animal smell in certain foods what they need, and that it is precisely on that basis, and choose what to eat? Take, for example, bananas. They are the favorite food of monkeys, which is not so strange, since they were very tasty and nutritious, and besides, rights treasury of great material! – Bananas are an excellent remedy for heartburn because they are a good source of antacid, regulating this uncomfortable condition. – Bananas contain very little sodium, but a lot of potassium, which is great for regulation of  blood pressure and heart health. – If you have problems digestive system such as

Thyme Destroys Strep, Herpes, Candida and Flu Virus

Thyme is a member of the Labiatae, or mint family and it is a herb that is native to the Mediterranean basin and it comes in many varieties. The thyme has a powerful microbial power, so, some of the oils are safe to use in all situations and some are not. For instance, thymus Vulgaris ct. linalool is the best oil for beginners and it is the safest for the skin, to be used in baths and on kids and older people. Other chemotypes (ct) like thymus vulgaris ct. thujanol, thymus vulgaris ct. thymol, and thymus vulgaris c.t carvacrol need to be left to qualified aromatherapists. In fact, the thyme is the most commonly used oil in aromatherapy, but, bear in mind that you need to use it moderately and with care. The thyme contains very good antiviral, bactericidal, fungicidal, diuretic, antispasmodic, expectorant and antiseptic properties that are perfect during cold and flu season. Apart from it being capable of killing microbes, the thyme can help the body to eliminate toxins and to boost the

Detailed Guide To Exercise During Pregnancy!

Pregnant women can exercise throughout pregnancy if their child’s health condition is satisfactory. However, it is recommended to wait for the completion of the first trimester and see how pregnancy progresses and then decide on physical activity. During pregnancy forms of sports activities are actually different ways of exercising. There is a big difference in pregnant women who are recreationally engaged in sports or professional activities. Pregnant women can exercise throughout pregnancy if their child’s health condition is satisfactory. Sporting activities that are not professionally oriented, without hard training or competition, the pregnant woman can prevent problems in the motion system (locomotors system). By regular exercise (at least 2 times a week for 45 minutes), the body will adjust to the daily increase in body weight, changes in body movements, postural relationships, changes in body equilibrium. Pregnancy should not be a reason to start with some sport that a woman di

How to Use Castor Oil for Hair (Grow Beautiful Hair Fast)

I’ve been experimenting a lot with castor oil lately as a natural beauty remedy. I already use it in my oil cleansing blend each day, and I’m enjoying the results from using castor oil packs on my skin. Years ago, a friend mentioned that she loved castor oil for hair and eyelashes. I was really skeptical because castor oil has a very thick and sticky consistency that I couldn’t imagine using in hair. I did some research and found out that I had been seriously missing out on a simple and really effective traditional beauty remedy… Benefits of Castor Oil for Hair and Skin Castor oil is an age-old beauty treatment that has been largely replaced over time by fancier beauty products with more ingredients and a bigger price tag. Castor oil has natural antibacterial and antifungal properties and is high in vitamin E, minerals, proteins, and omega-6 and -9 beneficial fatty acids. Its unusually high ricinoleic acid ratio makes it beneficial to skin and hair. In fact, castor oil has traditionall

How To Safely Treat A Sore Throat While Pregnant

Are you pregnant and feeling under the weather? Are you experiencing a sore throat? Pregnancy can make the treatment of common ailments infinitely more complex. Because the health of your baby is of utmost importance, there are a lot of things you can’t take while pregnant — and that includes some homeopathic remedies. But your personal health and comfort are important, too, so it’s necessary to appropriately diagnose and treat any potentially serious illnesses you may develop during pregnancy. A sore throat is rarely an indicator of serious illness, but it can cause severe discomfort. Here’s everything you need to know about treating a sore throat during pregnancy. What Causes A Sore Throat? A sore throat is a feeling of irritation in the back of the throat. It can vary from mild to severe, and may feel like: Minor itching. Rawness. Rough, sandpaper-like scratching. Sharp pains, like swallowing glass. A sore throat can be caused by a multitude of things, from environmental irritants t

How To Stop A Heart Attack In 1 Minute

Many people are unaware that a simple but powerful ingredient can prevent a heart attack in one minute. How much do you know about cayenne pepper? Cayenne is the most popular kind of chilli pepper. Make sure that you always have some on hand- it can save a family member from a heart attack. Cayenne pepper has been the subject of many health experts, including Dr. Richard Schulz. Doctors are amazed at the healing properties of cayenne pepper Over his 35-year career, American herbalist Dr Christopher never lost a patient over a heart attack; he credits cayenne pepper. He has treated patients suffering heart attacks with a cup of cayenne pepper tea; within a minute they recover from the attack. What makes this even more relevant is the fact that these scientists base their theories about cayenne pepper on personal experience, not studies done in controlled conditions. How to Use Cayenne Pepper Cayenne pepper has at least 90,000 Scoville units, according to the Scoville Heat Units (SHU). H

7 Protein-Loaded Foods For Weight Loss

If you’re looking for the best foods for weight loss, you’re probably also seeking out high-protein foods. Amping up your body’s intake of protein is one of the easiest (and simplest) ways to lose weight. After all, shedding that excess weight is really all about burning more calories than you consume. So, why not consume protein-rich calories that fill you up and leave you feeling satisfied after a meal? Protein is one of the most important nutrients for your body, and not just for building lean muscle mass. It also helps with healthy body functions (nourishing your essential organs) while also stabilizing your blood sugar and speeding up your metabolism. Protein-rich foods (like our ten favorites, which we’ll get to in a minute) also make excellent foods for weight loss. While they’re increasing satiety – so you’ll be less likely to overeat, and you’ll snack less – they’re also actively burning calories during digestion. You see, high-protein foods are actually harder for your body t